Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pg. 127

man's knees bent and
came limber inside
Spade's arms so the Spade
Spade lowered the man
his left side. The man's eyes -
mad were wide open and
blood had spurted from it,
and all his long body was

id: "Lock the door."
While Effie Perine,
or - door's lock

was open as
blood came from
the floor it lay on. Spad

ttering, fumbled with the
side the thin man, turned
down inside his overcoat
it came out smeared
brought not the least
Holding that

were pierced
to the washbowl in
wan and trembling
a hand on the corridor
glass, whispered: "Is-is he-
through the chest, maybe
to wash his hands.
we - ?" she began, but he
now that I've got to
shed washing his hand
have come

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